The project will construct a three level building providing 16 GLAs as part of the initial Stage 1 delivery, with completion of the further 8 GLA in-fills in the undercroft being dependent on future in-catchment enrolment growth.
The project will integrate the following works as part of the New General Learning Centre:
• 3 Level building with undercroft for future GLA infill. (16 GLAs to be delivered as part of this project, 8 GLAs future)
• Relocation of the existing Mulit-sports Court.
• DDA compliant covered link access from the new building to the spine of the school.
• CCTV will be introduced to the School as part of this project, and a Provisional Sum will be included for minimum rollout across the campus.
• A new, double-sided electronic sign.
• A roof structure to be constructed over the bike store.
• Associated landscaping and external works.